Control Systems Design:An introduction to State-Space Methods [Friedland, 1986] (softcover)
Introduction to state-space methods covers feedback control; state-space representation of dynamic systems and dynamics of linear systems; frequency-domain analysis; controllability and observability; and shaping the dynamic response. Additional subjects encompass linear observers; compensator design by the separation principle; linear, quadratic optimum control; random processes; and Kalman filters.
Ch. 1: Feedback Control
Ch. 2: State-Space Representation of Dynamic Systems
Ch. 3: Dynamics of Linear Systems
Ch. 4: Frequency-Domain Analysis
Ch. 5: Controllability and Observability
Ch. 6: Shaping the Dynamic Response
Ch. 7: Linear Observers
Ch. 8: Compensator Design by the Separation Principle
Ch. 9: Linear, Quadratic Optimum Control
Ch. 10: Random Processes
Ch. 11: Kalman Filters: Optimum Observers
Price: $27.00
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